Being short on money is something almost everyone can relate to and sometimes it feels like you should be earning way more for the hours you work.
However, with technological advancements and the emergence of more internet platforms, it’s becoming easier than ever to subsidize your income.
When you think outside the box and get creative, it’s easy to earn some money and you might be able to make a considerable amount if you’re savvy.
Here are just five of the strangest and weird ways people can make money:
1. Online Auctions
Gone are the days when you had to go to an auction house and have to be in a room with paddles; now, the auction comes to you and you could earn some money from the comfort of your sofa.
Online bidding sites like eBay are renowned for their snappy deals and chance for people to make a few pounds selling unwanted items.
However, have you ever considered just how lucrative online auction sites can be if utilized to their full potential?
The most expensive item ever sold on eBay was a yacht that went for a gobsmacking $168m. Do you think you could top that?
2. Gaming
This strange money-making opportunity is one for gamers, who can play their favorite video game and get paid for it.
More than 850 million people tuned in to watch video game playthroughs in 2018 and this number is only expected to keep rising.
The top channels and streamers can expect to make thousands if not millions of pounds.
It might take a few months of rising through the ranks and finding ways to stand out from the competition, but it’s entirely possible to earn money from recording yourself playing walkthroughs.
Also, there are games that can help you with financial literacy. Financial Football is a great example, you can read about this game here.
3. Eating on Camera
You already do it three times a day anyway, so why not get some money on the side?
Professional eaters or ‘Mukbangers‘ purchase a vast array of food then scoffs it down on camera, all for their viewer’s pleasure.
Some people have really made a name for themselves in this community, with their YouTube and streaming channels amassing millions of followers and sponsorships.
4. Clinical Trials
How does advancing science while also getting paid for it sound?
There are benefits to taking part in clinical trials and new paid opportunities crop up every day, but you do need to take the NHS’ advice.
If you have a specific gene, trait, or condition, you could be paid a large chunk of money to take part in the trials so keep your eyes peeled for opportunities.
Some trials might span over a month or even a year, which is the perfect chance to write that novel or develop your business plan, all while getting paid.
5. Snap Photos of Your Pets
Let the world know just how adorable and unique your pet is, and get paid for it too.
Media companies are always looking for well-trained animals to star in adverts or pose for a marketing photo, so sign up to some website and give your pet its spotlight.
Don’t forget to buy your furry friend some treats with the earnings.
Other Weird Ways To Make Money
Talking some more about the weird and strange ways of making money, what you can do is to sell your sperm. You may have seen a lot of men out there selling this fluid and earning money.
If you want to earn extra cash, then go for this way.
You only need to qualify for this mechanism and that is all! Like, your blood type will be considered, your height and build dimensions.
Moreover, your educational background and also details of your ethnicity and too family medical history will be considered.
If you manage to become a qualified donor, then you will get to have a good payoff.
Moreover, you can sell out your own plasma for the sake of earning money. This is another awkward way that is pursued by people for making money. You will be paid around and about $20 to $50 per donation basis.
This payment depends on the volume of your plasma. All of the guidelines are set and approved by the FDA.
Most importantly, the set and approved ranges are 110-149 pounds and 150-174 pounds, and also 175-400 pounds. You will get more poundage if you will be able to donate more plasma.
The other way of making money, you can sell your very own hair. Yes, there are salons and hair beauty parlors out there that buy hair.
If you are thinking of selling your hair, then it is one of the easiest and also effortless ways that you can opt for making money.
You only have to show strong emotions in this area.
Girls who have long hair, they love their hair too. And selling them is a hard job to do!
What ELSE?
You can opt for a pet sitting job or dog walking job. By doing so, you can easily make some extra pocket-money.
It is for a couple of hours that you need to take out the pet for a walk and get your money in return for it from the pet owner. You may have heard about the full-blown kind of pet sitting operations.
You can apply in these areas. Or you may have seen the presence of pet hotels and pets spas, here you can look for work as well.
Or you can become a professional mourner. It means you will be paid by attending funerals and mourning, crying during the time of the funeral.
These people are given the name of a professional wailer.
You might have seen that they wail away at full and maximum volume. This one is an old occupation and it basically and primarily evolved from the times of Mediterranean cultures.
These professional mourners are at times known as with the name of a virologist. If you can honor the dead, then this is a smart way for you to make additional and extra money. What other ways you can think of making money, we know the list will become endless and unstoppable.
Keep tuned and more ways of making money are coming and be posted over here.

For less than 5 minutes of your time, earn yourself a random stock whose value is anywhere between $5.00 and $200. It is possible through an investing app called Robinhood.